

Bruker now offers a complete solution for automated determination of solid fat content (SFC) in fat compositions. The easy-to-use, cost-effective and highly compliant sample automation system handles all the steps of complex SFC analysis automatically, from sample introduction, through tempering, to NMR measurement. Quick sample change times maximise throughput and significantly boost productivity, while maintaining reliability.

Three baths for pre-tempering and six baths for the respective measuring temperatures are available for temperatures up to 100°C. Samples are handled safely by an xyz robot that ensures precise tempering times.

Once the NMR measurement is complete, the software presents the results with full details of bath temperatures and robot operation, and the sample data is archived for data tracking. In addition to the SFC value, an interpolation of the melting curve is calculated, along with drop point and melting point estimates.

The minispec sample automation system is available as a standalone accessory for existing mq and mq-one series minispecs or as a complete packaged system for new users.

Key benefits of the minispec include:

  • Dedicated solution, developed by the original manufacturer
  • Industry-renowned service and support from Bruker or trusted local representatives
  • Accurate, automatic control of tempering times, delivering results in strict accordance with SFC international standard methods
  • Suitable for all major applications using ten-milimetre sample tubes, with automated preparation, sample pre-tempering (heating) and barcode reader option