Auckland-based dairy giant Fonterra Co-operative Group has announced the appointment of Mary-Jane Daly as group treasurer, and Mark Aldridge as deputy group treasurer.

Group Controller, Bryce Houghton, said that the two appointments would create strong leadership for the treasury team, which is responsible for managing the company’s cash flow and debt portfolio, including the associated risks. “With Mary-Jane’s breadth of international experience in corporate banking and capital markets and Mark’s depth of in-house treasury expertise, Fonterra has secured an outstanding team to spearhead its corporate treasury function.”

Most recently, Daly was Director, New Zealand, Global Industry Group at the Bank of New Zealand, where she was responsible for the Bank’s key corporate relationships, including the dairy sector. Daly takes up her appointment on 22 April.

Aldridge, who takes up his appointment on 1 May, joins Fonterra from Carter Holt Harvey where he has worked for the past three years as manager treasury risk, corporate treasury.

The company has also announced the appointment of John Lea as commercial director of Fonterra Enterprises, a division of Fonterra Co-operative Group.

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Fonterra Enterprises MD and chief development officer, Alexander Töldte, commented: “We have set up Fonterra Enterprises to create opportunities for Fonterra to diversify and expand on its expertise and knowledge through new ventures. We see this as critical to securing Fonterra’s position for the long term as a leading global dairy company.

“John has an impressive track record, domestically and internationally, in driving innovation through to successful commercial business outcomes. He is particularly experienced in negotiating joint ventures, raising finance and incubating new start-ups.”

Töldte said Lea would be responsible formanaging and co-ordinating access to new business concepts and opportunities. “We are looking to John to lead Fonterra into uncharted territory with viable commercial opportunities that will add to and benefit the existing organisation.”