
Denomega Nutritional Oils, the leading pioneer of taste and odour-free Omega-3 solutions for the food and supplement markets, is excited to announce that Win Chance of Thailand has launched an excellent-tasting ketchup for kids and an oyster sauce containing Omega-360.

The products are tailored to meet Win Chance’s focus of enhancing nutrition using natural ingredients. “Our marketing strategy is to move towards more natural and healthy nutrition with the same good taste as before. We now understand that fish oil offers complete Omega-3 benefits to people of all ages. Using Denomega’s complete and naturally taste-free fish oil is therefore a great choice to strengthen our marketing message and position in the consumer’s mind,” says senior product manager Mr Chayuttapol Hanwongjirawat at Win Chance, a licensee of HJ Heinz. The products are available in major supermarkets and retail stores.

More than 7,000 clinical studies support a number of benefits of EPA and DHA Omega-3, including heart and brain health. Jan Haakon Haakonsen, Denomega’s business director, food and beverages, says: “It is encouraging to see that the best companies in the market recognise that foods with Omega-360 provides many benefits. Other sources of Omega-3 may not contain all the healthy ingredients or the practical Omega-360 ease of use.”

Win Chance selected to source Omega -360 through Helm Mahaboon, a company that has been working for Denomega Nutritional Oils for years in Thailand.