Flavourtech’s Michael Craig (Innovations Director) and Sriram Karuturi (European Operations Manager) at their new office facilities on the grounds of Wageningen University

Flavourtech is proud to be featured as a success story on the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) website.

Austrade lauded Flavourtech’s decision to establish their new facilities in the Netherlands. The new pilot plant and office are located at Wageningen University and Research Centre in the Netherlands’ Food Valley region and Flavourtech looks forward to undertaking food and bio-based research with the university and new European partners. At the forefront of this activity is Flavourtech’s Spinning Cone Column (SCC), an innovation considered the gold standard for natural flavour extraction by companies around the world.

Flavourtech is grateful for the support of Austrade, Oost NL, Foodvalley NL, NFIA, Labnest, BOL Adviseurs and Wageningen University in establishing Flavourtech’s new European base.

Visit the Austrade website for the full article.