Marry Jane is a supplier and distributor of cannabidiol (CBD) isolate, producing essential oil extracts / terpenes from high-CBD / low-THC flower strains for applications in the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries.
THC-free CBD oils for food industry use
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of several cannabinoid chemical compounds that are found in cannabis and hemp plants. The most famous cannabinoid is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the main psychoactive component in marijuana.
Marry Jane’s CBD products are completely THC-free with no psychoactive effects.
They are thought to help with acne, anxiety, chronic pain, depression, epilepsy, insomnia and loss of appetite, as well as a range of other health problems.
CBD Crystals for high-purity CBD
Marry Jane’s CBD crystal is a crystalline cannabidiol extract that offers one of the highest purity levels of all CBD products. It is extracted from the mature stalks and stems of the hemp plant. With a special high-tech operation, Marry Jane makes the CBD crystal as pure as 99.8% and completely THC-free.
The crystal powder can be used for beverages, food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. It can be added to a variety of food and drink products, enabling customers to feel the benefits of CBD without having to digest unpleasant-tasting raw oils.
One method involves melting the crystals into butter or coconut oil and blending the two products together, allowing the mixture to be used in a variety of recipes. The benefit is that all of the positive side effects of CBD can be achieved in food products without any unpleasant tastes.
CBD Oils and Extracts
Marry Jane CBD Drops and Water-Soluble products are manufactured with ethanol-extracts, solved in medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil, hempseed oil for sublingual use products (under the tongue) or propylene glycol (PG) for water-soluble products.
MJ CBD Extracts are produced from our MJ CBD flowers using ethanol extraction. Through this gentle process, the extracts keep all their cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids, and are completely free of artificial colours, flavourings and preservatives.
About Marry Jane
Marry Jane is based in Zwingen, Switzerland, with all products cultivated in the canton of Basel and Solothurn and distributed to clients across Europe.
The sustainable plantation uses a photovoltaic system for solar power and large canisters for evaporated water reuse. It also adheres to strict hygiene regulations with the use of stainless-steel containers, an industrial floor and appropriate protective clothing.
We meet the increasing demands of the rapidly developing European CBD market with the highest processing quality. All Marry Jane products have an externally audited certificate of analysis and are not registered as Novel Foods.