
This emulsifier improves performance e.g in the enrobing process and also provides a non-GMO and allergen free alternative to soya lecithin.

Reduced fat content in chocolate with Palagaard™ PGRP 4150

A flavour neutral and highly concentrated emulsifier which improves the flow of liquid chocolate masses even with a low total fat content.

Eliminate oil separation with Palsgaard™ 6115

This highly efficient oil binder can be used to prevent separation of liquid oil in Tahina, Halawa, Peanut butter, chocolate spreads and fillings.

Highly stable cake mixes with Emuipals™ 116

This cake emulsifier is designed for cake mixes where a high volume combined with a fast whipping profile are important characteristics.

Improve freshness with Palsgaard™ DMG 5611

This cold dispersible mono glyceride in fine powder form will improve softness of cakes and bread and hereby extend shelflife.

Industrial cakes with Plasgaard™

Instant cake emulsifier in powder form ensures consistently in performance and quality improvement. Handling of a highly concentrated cake emulsifier in powder form has never been easier. Optimized production and less re-work when operating continuous cake lines.