Danisco CEO Alf Duch-Pedersen is behind a mini feature article in ErhvervsBladet. In the article, he writes that companies today are facing requirements to show greater social, ethical and political commitment. This is a challenge the business community must take up. But at the same time, we should not forget that the underlying basis of companies´ contribution to society is and always will be economic growth.
It is necessary to ensure that the softening of the boundaries in the traditional distribution of work between the business community and the government takes place in a manner benefiting all parties. Together, the government and companies must find a suitable balance between the hard and the soft values. Without growth and earnings, this will fail. Without a stable and well-functioning society with proper social conditions, it is impossible to run a sound business. Today, the dividing line between business and society is blurred, writes Alf Duch-Pedersen.