As part of efforts to clarify potential public health risks and identify how to reduce levels of acrylamide in food, the European Commission has announced it has made a new research database available online.
The database was established in close co-operation with the European Food Safety Authority and compiles research efforts in the EU on several topics related to the issue of acrylamide in food. Acrylamide, which is a chemical present in food as a result of cooking practices, is thought to pose a possible risk to health.
David Byrne, commissioner for health and consumer protection, underlined the importance of research efforts: “We must look closely at the issue of acrylamide in food to evaluate the potential threat to public health and determine which actions might need to be taken. It is important that all researchers have a global picture of what efforts are undertaken. This database will help provide this picture.”
Finding ways to reduce acrylamide levels is not straightforward. In particular, starchy foods have been shown to be affected, including for example potato and cereal products that have been deep-fried, roasted or baked at high temperatures. The possible risk to public health is unclear.
The research database is available here.