The Food and Veterinary Office of the European Commission will officially inaugurate its new premises in Grange, Conty Meath (close to Dublin, Ireland) on Friday, 19 July.

The Irish Taoiseach Bertie Ahern and the European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection David Byrne will attend the opening ceremony. The FVO carries out evaluations and on-the-spot checks of food safety controls in the Member States and in countries exporting to the EU and reports its findings and recommendations to the relevant national and EU authorities and to the public. The FVO also has responsibility for monitoring control activities on animal health, animal welfare and plant health.

After the opening, David Byrne together with some of the FVO inspectors will visit the Teagasc research station nearby which specialises in beef. Teagasc is the State Agency charged with agricultural research and training in Ireland. Director Jim Flanagan will meet the delegation and show them around the research station.