The Grocery Manufacturers Association, which represents US food manufacturers, has named a key lobbyist in the biotechnology industry to a newly-created role to push its members’ interests in the global policy arena.

Sean Darragh, executive vice president for international affairs at the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), will become the GMA’s EVP for global strategies next month.

Darragh will lead the GMA’s efforts in developing a strategy to “advance the global commerce interests of the consumer packaged goods industry”, the association said.
Pamela Bailey, the GMA’s president and CEO, said: “Our world is becoming increasingly interdependent, and the food, beverage and consumer packaged goods (CPG) sector is a vital part of both the US and global economies. There are international implications within each of GMA’s strategic areas of focus and I am certain that Sean is the right person to take GMA’s international capability, strategic planning and execution to the next level of effectiveness.”