Kraft Foods has become the first US-based company to join the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index, which is a database of firms that disclose carbon emissions data through the Carbon Disclosure Project.
Kraft said the move will place it among the top scoring 10% of the world’s companies in the Global 500 and S&P 500 for demonstrating good internal data management practices for understanding greenhouse gas emissions, including energy use as well as demonstrating clear consideration of how climate change impacts their business.
Additionally, Maplecroft Climate Innovation Indexes (CIIs) has listed Kraft Foods as a CII leader, placing it in the 100 top-performing companies in its benchmark of the largest 350 US companies
“We hold the Carbon Disclosure Project in high regard,” said Steve Yucknut, vice president, sustainability at Kraft. “Making the CDP’s Leadership Index is evidence of the important changes we’ve made and actions we’ve taken, which we’ll continue and improve upon.”