Global chocolate manufacturer Mondelez International has pledged its support for the chocolate industry’s CocoaAction sustainability strategy announced earlier this week.

CocoaAction brings together 12 of the largest companies in the cocoa industry under the World Cocoa Foundation to voluntarily coordinate and align their sustainability efforts, boost their impact and contribute to building a rejuvenated and economically viable cocoa sector.

“As a founding member of the World Cocoa Foundation, we’re proud to have played an active role in shaping CocoaAction,” said Bharat Puri, president, Global Chocolate, Gum and Candy. “We believe in the power of major chocolate and cocoa companies working together to maximise the industry’s ability to create thriving cocoa communities and help secure the future of the cocoa industry. We’re pleased our signature Cocoa Life program, launched in 2012, aligns with the CocoaAction strategy, and we welcome the support from the governments of Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire for CocoaAction.”

Mondelez International has said it will continue its Cocoa Life sustainability program which has promoted gender equality in cocoa production since 2008.