Captain Tony’s Pizza, Inc. today announced the launch of an aggressive national and international franchise program at the International Franchise Show in Orlando, Florida. With over 10,000 people from all over the world in attendance, this new program was received with ecstatic responses.

Michael J. Martella, founder and President of Captain Tony’s Pizza, Inc. stated, “Royalties for a domestic or international single unit is 4 1/2% with a cap of no more than US$500 per week. A multi-unit operator would only pay 3% royalty with the same cap. This saves the franchisee thousands of dollars over the twenty-year term of the agreement. A Master Licensing for a Captain Tony’s region is a 50/50 split.”

Martella continued, “Our upfront franchise fees range from only US$10,000 per single takeout unit to US$75,000 for a minimum 5 multi-unit agreement. This is a great opportunity for the true entrepreneur to take advantage of owning his own business.”

Captain Tony’s has units in the USA and in England. For more information, please call: Michael J. Martella. 1-800-332-8669. Web site