BLUE Digital Asset Manager helps manage and distribute a wide variety of digital assets, featuring content such as marketing and legal texts aimed at a number of different audiences.
Designed to handle large numbers of digital assets accross multiple channels, this management stystem efficiently stores content, while keeping it organized and accessible.
BLUE Digital Asset Manager features:
- Flexible metadata tags, filters, searches, and sorts
- Copy management
- Version control and traceability, asset status, security, and views
- Drag and drop asset population
- Batch edit metadata
- Export reports
- Store any file type
- Share file links with agencies and printers
- Configure fields to integrate bill of materials and product lifecycle management systems
BLUE Digital Asset Manager benefits:
- Control versions and traceability
- Re-use existing assets
- Distribute assets securely
- Increase content quality and consistency
- Achieve up to 90% reduction in search time
- Promote production agility
- Improve speed to market