
The Novitool® Ply 130™ Ply Separator cuts between the plies of conveyor belting for belt splice preparation. Plies can be split as deep as 5in (130mm) in one action, making the tool perfect for preparing stepped splices and for recessing mechanical fasteners.

Why the Novitool® Ply 130?

Key features of the Novitool® Ply 130 include:

  • Capable of precise splicing of thermoplastic belts, both thick and thin
  • Can separate as little as 0.014in (0.35mm) to create film from the belt used in the splicing process
  • Can prepare finger-over-finger, stepped, and recessed splices
  • Cuts belts up to 10mm thick
  • Simple, easy operation
  • Easy depth adjustment (adjustable guide with roller)
  • Consistent repeatability achieving perfect results time after time
  • Optional cart allows portability in workshop
  • Retrofit step cutter available